Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My beautiful sister is on her way home tomorrow, she writes........

My part here is done for now, so I must leave this beautiful Island and get back to my life in Prince George. I have two wonderful girls there who I miss and need to hug. I have a good job that has given me the opportunity to devote this time to build for dad, so I must return and pay my dues. Also, I have a sweet little home that has waited patiently for me to tend to its maintenance needs, and I am now inspired to fix it up since my sister introduced me to Feng Shui and the art of “clutter clearing”. 

It has been a transformative experience doing this work on the cabin. There are many pictures posted on this blog of me smiling joyfully, triumphantly, proudly, contentedly, and honorably. But there were days, not photographed, when I cried defiantly, selfishly, defeated, from an aged mind and a tired body. I am coming to terms with my own aging process and I am feeling the need to change the way I work. In my life I have always worked alongside strong men. To be equal, I have learned to deny and work past my weaknesses - which kept me employed but not content, and certainly not balanced.  On this cabin renovation, I have been given some timely opportunities to deal with my need to slow down, take it easy, listen to my body, and hear my soul speak. 

My sister has been a wonderful support. She has fed me fabulously healthy food to keep me strong. She has listened to me cry and complain and come back to reason. She has kept the hot water bottles hot and the tea brewing. Debby, my sister, is my best friend. I always miss her when we are apart. I will miss Hal for his unending generosity and blazing warm fires. And I will miss David, my nephew, who has been nothing less than angelic during this turbulent time of change.

Thank you all for your help in this “journey of faith”.  Thank you for giving our family this opportunity to work together and help each other. Bye for now...


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